Frogtoon Music

Por Un Amor by Jayac

Artist Biography For Jayac

Jayac Is The Quintessential "Andean Flute Band." The Group Was Born In May 1988 In Zambiza A Small Town Near Quito. After Four Years Of Promoting Their Art Throughout Ecuador The Group Traveled To Europe And Performed In Germany France Holland And Belgium. In 1993 They Performed In London The Music For The Movie "The Avenue Of The Volcanos" Produced By The British Broadcasting Company BBC . The Band Continues To Travel Abroad And Tour At Home Performing Their Soulful Andean Music To Great Success. Members - Saulo Diaz Director And Second Guitar - Franklin Diaz First Guitar - Vinicio Diaz Voice And Charango - Jaime Diaz Wind Instruments - Marcelino Tupiza Percussion - Amilcar Arias Wind Instruments String Guitars Bandolines Charangos Diablitos
Woodwinds Rondadores Quenas Quenachos Quenillas Sicas Bajones Antaras Flauta De Pan Saxo.
Percussion Bombo Chagchas Cascabeles And Guiro.
Rythms Takiraris Sanjuanitos Yaravíes Cachullapis Tobas Huaynos. Http //www.Goecuador.Com/mp3/jayac.Html

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