Frogtoon Music

Charlie by Big Pig

Artist Biography For Big Pig

Formed In Australia In The Late 80s Big Pig Consisted Of Several Vocalists Percussionists Keyboard Players And At Least One Harmonica Player But Used No Guitars. They Played A Fun Danceable Style That Emphasized Syncopated Rhythms And Vocal Harmony With An Unexpected Socially Conscious Lyrical Bent. Their Only U.S. 'hit' Breakaway Appeared On "Bonk" As Well As On The Bill & Ted Soundtrack. The Group's Second Album "You Lucky People" Was Released In Australia. Not As Dark As The First Album The Second Featured A Lighter More Dance-Oriented Pop Sound. The Group Disbanded After The Two Releases. Band Members Included * Duncan Beamont Lead Drums * Nick Disbray Lead Vocals Percussion * Sherine Abeyratne Lead Vocals Percussion * Oleh Witer Vocals Drums * Tony Antoniades Vocals Harmonica * Tim Rosewarne Vocals Keyboard * Adrian Scaglione Drums * Neil Baker Drums

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